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Integrating Posture, Weight, Load, Spinal Degenerative Disease, Education of Postural Habits, and Chiropractic Care
The primary method of public transportation connecting the cities of the San Francisco Bay Area is a train system called BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit). BART passenger boarding platforms are often above ground adjacent to freeways. Driving by on the freeway, [..]
When we were younger, getting sufficient physical activity just came with being a kid. We played outside with friends, ran around during recess, participated in organized sports, and attended physical education classes. But as we age, we tend to become less physically active, only exercising at prescheduled times for a run, at the gym, or [..]
While any sudden back and forth motion can lead to a whiplash injury, the most common cause is a motor vehicle collision. Because these incidents often result in litigation, there has been plenty of research on whiplash associated disorders that has produced conclusions that may be contrary to what some might expect.
CRASH SPEED: While [..]
While the shoulder is comprised of four joints, it’s the ball and socket glenohumeral joint that may play the most important role when it comes to the wide range of motion of the upper arm. However, this mobility comes at the cost of stability, which makes the shoulder a common source of injury.
Sometimes these [..]
When an individual experiences pain in or near the wrist, the first thought may be carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), but there are many conditions that affect the upper extremities. One such condition is lateral epicondylitis, which is more commonly known as tennis elbow.
Lateral epicondylitis is a condition that occurs when the tendons—most commonly the [..]
Though the care a patient receives is ultimately tailored to their unique situation, doctors use clinical treatment guidelines as a base for identifying the condition and suggesting a course of treatment.
In most cases, an influential organization will appoint a panel of experts in the field to review the current scientific literature related to the [..]
A Simple Model
Approximately half of the adults in America suffer from chronic pain (1). Chronic pain affects every region of the body. The most significantly affected region of the body is the low back (2).
The largest modern review of the chiropractic profession was published in the journal Spine on December 1, 2017, and [..]
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition that occurs when the mobility and function of the median nerve is restricted as it passes through the wrist, which can result in symptoms like pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in parts of the hand and some fingers. To reduce inflammation, restore joint motion, and improve median nerve [..]
While the advice to take 10,000 steps a day stems from a pedometer marketing campaign and did not originate from published research, it’s clear that a more active lifestyle (i.e. more steps per day) is better than a sedentary lifestyle. But what about the shoes we place on our feet when taking those steps? Are [..]
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a very common chronic disease that frequently affects the knees of the elderly. The condition usually has a slow onset that results in pain, limited mobility, and stiffness due to swelling of the joint capsule, loss of joint space, and for some, joint deformity. Treatment guidelines generally recommend non-surgical options—like chiropractic care—as [..]
For the patient with neck pain, getting a good night’s sleep is vital for recovery and lowering the risk for transition to chronic neck pain. Likewise, for the individual with a history of neck pain, sufficient quality sleep is important to reduce the risk for recurrence. With respect to the cervical spine, the choice of [..]
Not only do whiplash associated disorders affect an individual’s health and wellbeing but they can also impact their family and society overall. With that in mind, let’s discuss strategies to reduce the prevalence of automobile collisions and the severity of injury when a car crash does occur.
On a community and government level, ways to [..]